ini_file helpers

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The ini_file classes are used to read and write INI files. The format of an INI file is defined as follow:

There is an example:

  ; INI file sample
  var2 = value2

  var3= value3
  var4 =value4

Example 1. file format definition


An INI file is represented by a set of sections and one set of parameters per section. Sets are defined as maps. Sections and parameters have a name, a comment and parameters also have a value. All of these objects are represented below:

Fig 1. Representation of the ini_file classes.

So creating and saving an INI file comes down to:

  // create an ini file and save it to std::cout
  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    ini_file::section_map ini;

    ini["section1"]["var1"] = "value of var1";
    ini["section1"]["var2"] = "value of var2";
    ini["section2"]["var3"] = "value of var3";
    ini["section2"]["var4"] = "value of var4";

    std::cout << ini;

Example 2. create an INI file

In a similar fashion, it is possible to read and use an INI file by:

  // read an ini file from a stream and print out the content
  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    ini_file::section_map ini;

      // first we create a file that we can then read
      std::fstream output;"test_file.ini", std::fstream::out);
      output << "; This is an auto-generated test file." << std::endl;
      output << "[section1]" << std::endl;
      output << "var1=This is variable ONE" << std::endl;
      output << "var2=This is variable TWO" << std::endl;
      output << "[section2]" << std::endl;
      output << "var3 = \" This is \\\"variable\\\" THREE \" " << std::endl;
      output << "; Comment on variable 4" << std::endl;
      output << "var4=This is variable FOUR" << std::endl;
    } // file closes

    // now try to read it and print out the content
    std::fstream input;"test_file.ini", std::fstream::in);

    input >> ini;

    std::cout << "section1 -> " << ini["section1"];
    std::cout << "section1.var1 -> " << ini["section1"]["var1"];
    std::cout << "section1.var2 -> " << ini["section1"]["var2"];
    std::cout << "section2 -> " << ini["section2"];
    std::cout << "section2.var3 -> " << ini["section2"]["var3"];
    std::cout << "section2.var4 -> " << ini["section2"]["var4"];

Example 3. reading an INI file and print the data


These classes are not thread safe. However, if read once from disk and then used only as constant objects, it will work even if accessed between multiple threads (assuming that the boost::shared_ptr<> is thread safe.)

Advantages of these Classes

Ease of use to read and write INI files including comments (comments aren't getting lost.)


  namespace ini_file
    namespace ini_exceptions
      class ini_file_exception    : std::exception {};
      class section_name_missing  : ini_file_exception {};
      class invalid_section_name  : ini_file_exception {};
      class param_name_missing    : ini_file_exception {};
      class invalid_param_name    : ini_file_exception {};
      class invalid_parameter     : ini_file_exception {};
      class param_without_section : ini_file_exception {};
      class invalid_quotation     : ini_file_exception {};
    }   // namespace ini_exceptions

    struct param : ...
                             param(const std::string& _name);
      const std::string&     get_name() const;
      void                   set_comment(const std::string& _comment);
      const std::string&     get_comment() const;
      void                   set_value(const std::string& _value);
      const std::string&     get_value() const;
      param&                 operator = (const std::string& _value);
                             operator const std::string& () const;

    struct param_map : ...
      void                   insert(boost::shared_ptr<param> _p);
      param&                 operator [] (const std::string& _name);
      const param&           operator [] (const std::string& _name) const;

    struct section : ...
                             section(const std::string& _name);
      const std::string&     get_name() const;
      void                   set_comment(const std::string& _comment);
      const std::string&     get_comment() const;
      void                   insert(boost::shared_ptr<param> _p);
      param&                 operator [] (const std::string& _name);
      const param&           operator [] (const std::string& _name) const;

    struct section_map : ...
      void                   insert(boost::shared_ptr<section> _p);
      section&               operator [] (const std::string& _name);
      const section&         operator [] (const std::string& _name) const;

    extern std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, section_map& _section_map);

    extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const param& _param);
    extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const section& _section);

    extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const param_map& _param_map);
    extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const section_map& _section_map);




param(const std::string& _name);

Preconditions: the parameter name is not empty; though this is currently not enforced since we need a default parameter with an empty name (see the [] operators.)

Effects: create a parameter named _name.

Postconditions: the parameter name cannot be changed.

Throws: nothing

const std::string& get_name() const;

Postconditions: the returned string cannot be modified.

Throws: nothing

void set_comment(const std::string& comment);

Effects: assigns a comment to that object. Comments are written right before parameters. Comments read right before a paramater are assigned to that parameter.

Throws: nothing

const std::string& get_comment() const;

Postconditions: the returned string cannot be modified; use set_comment() to modify a comment.

Throws: nothing

void set_value(const std::string& _value);
param& operator = (const std::string& _value)

Effects: assigns a new value to the parameter. Anything is valid except a new line character and a null character. If the parameter value starts or ends with spaces or quotes, the value will be saved quoted.

Throws: nothing

const std::string& get_value() const;
operator const std::string& () const;

Effects: retrieve the current value of the parameter.

Throws: nothing


void insert(boost::shared_ptr<param> _p);

Precondition: if the pointer is null, nothing happens and the function returns right away.

Effects: add the specified parameter in the map of parameters. The use of a map makes it faster to retrieve parameters. However, this means you lose the possible ordering from input files.

Throws: memory allocation exceptions

param& operator [] (const std::string& _name);
const param& operator [] (const std::string& _name) const;

Precondition: if a parameter with the specified _name does not exist:

  • Non-constant parameter map
  • When the non-constant operator is used, a new parameter is created if none already exist with that _name.

  • Constant parameter map
  • When the constant operator is used, it returns an empty parameter which must not be modified. That empty parameter is not part of the map.

Effects: return the empty parameter, an existing parameter or a new parameter with the specified _name.

Throws: memory allocation exceptions


section(const std::string& _name);

Preconditions: the parameter name is not empty; though this is currently not enforced since we need a default parameter with an empty name (see the [] operators.)

Effects: create a section named _name.

Postconditions: the section name cannot be changed.

Throws: nothing

const std::string& get_name() const;

Postconditions: the returned string cannot be modified.

Throws: nothing

void set_comment(const std::string& comment);

Effects: assigns a comment to that object. Comments are written right before sections. Comments read right before a section are assigned to that section. Comments read right after a section are assigned the the first parameter. If there is no parameter, it is assigned to the next section. If there is no other section or parameter, it is lost.

Throws: nothing

const std::string& get_comment() const;

Postconditions: the returned string cannot be modified; use set_comment() to modify a comment.

Throws: nothing

void insert(boost::shared_ptr<param> _p);

Precondition: if the pointer is null, nothing happens and the function returns right away.

Effects: add the specified parameter in the map of parameters. The use of a map makes it faster to retrieve parameters. However, this means you lose the possible ordering from input files.

Throws: memory allocation exceptions

param& operator [] (const std::string& _name);
const param& operator [] (const std::string& _name) const;

Precondition: if a parameter with the specified _name does not exist:

  • Non-constant parameter map
  • When the non-constant operator is used, a new parameter is created if none already exist with that _name.

  • Constant parameter map
  • When the constant operator is used, it returns an empty parameter which must not be modified. That empty parameter is not part of the map.

Effects: return the empty parameter, an existing parameter or a new parameter with the specified _name.

Throws: memory allocation exceptions


void insert(boost::shared_ptr<section> _s);

Precondition: if the pointer is null, nothing happens and the function returns right away.

Effects: add the specified section in the map of sections. The use of a map makes it faster to retrieve sections. However, this means you lose the possible ordering from input files.

Throws: memory allocation exceptions

section& operator [] (const std::string& _name);
const section& operator [] (const std::string& _name) const;

Precondition: if a section with the specified _name does not exist:

  • Non-constant section map
  • When the non-constant operator is used, a new section is created if none already exist with that _name.

  • Constant section map
  • When the constant operator is used, it returns an empty section which must not be modified. That empty section is not part of the map.

Effects: return the empty section, an existing section or a new section with the specified _name.

Throws: memory allocation exceptions

  Helper functions

extern std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, section_map& _section_map);

extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const param& _param);
extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const section& _section);

extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const param_map& _param_map);
extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const section_map& _section_map);

Precondition: to write a parameter, section or a map thereof, all the parameters and sections must have a valid name (i.e. not empty.) A section can be empty (have no parameters.)

Effects: the >> oparator appends the content of the input stream to the specified _section_map. If the input includes sections and parameters which already exist in the _section_map, they will be overwritten (i.e. thus you can define defaults before to use the >> operator.) The << operators print out the specified parameter. In all cases, the output ends with a newline. A section ends with an empty line. To save a section map to an init file, use the << operator accepting a _section_map reference.

Throws: the output operators (<<) can throw the ini_exceptions::param_name_missing or ini_exceptions::section_name_missing exceptions. The input operator (>>) can throw many different exceptions when the input file is invalid:

  • ini_exceptions::invalid_section_name
  • ini_exceptions::invalid_param_name
  • ini_exceptions::param_without_section
  • ini_exceptions::invalid_parameter
  • ini_exceptions::invalid_quotation

Copyright (c) 2006 Alexis Wilke

Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this document is granted provided
this copyright notice appears in all copies. This document is provided "as is" without
express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.